

 (玩耍; 游戏) play; have fun; amuse oneself:
  玩牌 play cards;
  玩儿足球 play football;
  在海边玩 enjoy oneself at seaside;
  真好玩儿! That's great fun!
  我们在大连玩了几天。 We spent a few days enjoying ourselves in Dalian.
  我们在这次野餐中玩得很痛快。 We had lots of fun at the picnic.
 (使用) employ; play; resort to:
  玩花招儿 play tricks;
  玩弄阴谋诡计 resort to schemes and intrigues
 (轻视; 戏弄) treat lightly; make fun of; trifle with:
  玩法 trifle with the law;
  玩弄感情 trifle with sb.'s affections;
  这事可不是闹着玩的。 The matter is not to be neglected.
 (观赏) appreciate; enjoy:
  游玩 go sightseeing; stroll about;
  玩月 enjoy looking at the moon;
  玩儿邮票 make a hobby of collecting stamps
 (供观赏之物) object for appreciation:
  古玩 curio; antique;
  古玩店 a curiosity shop




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