

字词 百分
释义 百分
 bǎi fēn
  per cent; percent:
  百分之六 6 per cent;
  获百分之九的利息 get 9 per cent interest;
  百分之一 centesimal; percentile
  100 marks:
  百分制 hundred-mark system (in grading test papers);
  他考试得了百分。 He obtained 100 marks in his examination.
  该科最高分数为百分。 The maximum number of marks for the subject is 100.
  百分度 centigrade;
 {数} gon (grade)
 百分表 centigrade scale;
 百分标准误差 percentage standard deviation;
 百分单位 centival;
 百分度量制 centesimal measure;
 百分法 percentage system; centesimal method of dividing into hundredths;
 百分号 per cent (%);
 百分刻度 centigrade system;
 百分等级 percentile rank;
 百分点 percentage point;
 百分位(数) {统} percentile; centile;
 百分温度计 centigrade thermometer;
 百分制 hundred-mark system




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