

字词 不便
释义 不便
 bù biàn
 (不方便) inconvenient:
  行动不便 move with difficulty;
  交通不便 have poor transport facilities; not be conveniently located;
  使某人感到不便 put sb. to inconvenience;
  给某人带来不便 cause inconvenience to sb.;
  如果对你没有什么不便的话 if it is not inconvenient to you;
  给治疗带来不便 hamper medical treatment;
  旅行中总要忍受一点不便。 One has to bear a little discomfort while travelling.
  在场的人很多,不便和他长谈。 With so many people around, it wasn't convenient to have a long talk with him.
 (不适当) not suitable; unsuitable; inappropriate
 (手边无钱) have no money at hand; be short of cash:
  如果你手头不便 if you have no cash at hand




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