

 (物质组织的条纹)texture; grain (in wood, skin, etc.):
  木理 grain in wood;
  肌理 skin texture
 (道理;事理) reason; logic; truth:
  合理 conforming to reason;
  伦理 ethics;
  不近情理 unreasonable;
  他不讲理。 He is not amenable to reason.
  他讲的句句是理。 There is truth in every word he says.
 (自然科学, 特指物理学) natural science, esp. physics:
  理工大学 university of science and engineering;
  数理化 mathematics, physics and chemistry
 (姓氏) a surname:
  理徵 Li Zhi
 (管理; 办理) manage; run; deal with:
  代理 act for ;
  处理 deal or cope with;
  理家 keep house; manage family affairs;
  有要事待理 have important business to attend to
 (整理; 使整齐) put in proper order; tidy up; clean up:
  清理 clear up;
  梳理 comb hair; arrange in proper order;
  理一理房间 tidy up the rooms a bit
 (表示态度; 表示意见) take notice of; pay attention to:
  置之不理 pay no attention to sth.; brush sth. aside;
  不要理他 take no notice of him




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