

字词 表面
释义 表面
 biǎo miàn
 surface; superficies; boundary; face; rind; sheet; skin; outside; appearance:
  表面之词 a superficial statement;
  表面价值 face value;
  粗糙的表面 a rough surface;
  光滑的表面 a smooth surface;
  地球的表面 the surface of the earth; the face of the earth;
  事物的表面 the surface of things;
  表面上气壮如牛, 实际上胆小如鼠 outwardly fierce as a bull but inwardly timid as a mouse;
  你不能只看事情的表面。 You must not look only at the surface of things.
  他那番话不过是表面文章。 He was merely paying lip service.
 表面安装技术 surface mounting technology;
 表面凹凸砌体 skintled;
 表面凹陷 dinge;
 表面保护剂 surface protectant;
 表面爆破 surface blasting;
 表面爆炸 surface explosion;
 表面变容二极管 surface varactor;
 表面变形 areal deformation;
 表面变形现象 brinelling;
 表面变性 surface modification;
 表面变质 envenomation;
 表面波导 surface guide (duct);
 表面波度 surface waveness;
 表面薄毡 overlay mat;
 表面不连续性 surface discontinuity;
 表面不平度 surface irregularity;
 表面不稳定性 surface instability;
 表面材料 surfacing;
 表面测量仪 profile meter;
 表面场效应晶体管 surface field effect transistor;
 表面超导性 surface superconductivity;
 表面成核场 surface nucleation fied;
 表面虫孔 surface worm hole;
 表面处理 surface treatment; top dressing; surfacing;
 表面处治 carpet veneer;
 表面传导 surface conduction;
 表面传感器 surface probe;
 表面吹割 gouging; gouge;
 表面粗糙度 surface roughness;
 表面粗糙度轮廓仪 surface coarseness profiling instrument;
 表面粗度仪 talysurf;
 表面催化反应 surface-catalyzed reactions;
 表面淬火 surface hardening; hard surfacing;
 表面点蚀 surface pitting;
 表面玷污监测 surface contamination monitoring;
 表面电导 surface conduction;
 表面电荷变容二极管 surface charge varactor;
 表面电荷晶体管 surface charge transistor (SCT);
 表面电离作用 surface ionization;
 表面电流 surface current;
 表面电路学 molecular circuitry; morphological circuitry;
 表面电势 surface potential;
 表面电势陡变 surface potential jump;
 表面电位 surface potential;
 表面电位检测器 surface potential detector;
 表面电位控制的晶体管 surface-potential controlled transistor;
 表面电阻 surface resistance; sheet resistance;
 表面电阻率 surface resistivity; sheet resistivity;
 表面镀铬 chrome-faced;
 表面镀膜反射镜 surface-coated mirror;
 表面堆焊 surface overlaying;
 表面钝化 surface passivation;
 表面钝化工艺 surface passivation technology;
 表面发裂 fluting;
 表面反射法 surface-reflexion method;
 表面反型层 surface inversion layer;
 表面反应 surface reaction;
 表面方法 surface method;
 表面防护 surface protection;
 表面防水 surface waterproofing;
 表面放电 surface discharge;
 表面放射性沾污 surface contamination;
 表面沸腾 surface boiling;
 表面分层 skin lamination;
 表面分析 surface analysis;
 表面辐照 surface irradiation;
 表面复合 surface recombination;
 表面复合率 surface recombination rate;
 表面复合速度 surface recombination velocity;
 表面改善 surface modification;
 表面感应 surface induction;
 表面钢化 aciergae;
 表面高温计 surface pyrometer;
 表面各向异性 surface anisotropy;
 表面沟道 surface channel;
 表面构造 surface structure;
 表面光电效应 surface photoelectric effect;
 表面光度计 profilograph;
 表面光度仪 talysurf; profilograph; profilometer;
 表面光洁度 smooth finish; surface finish quality; surface finishment;
 表面光洁度测量仪 surfagauge;
 表面光洁度量具 surface-finish measuring tool;
 表面光洁度显微镜 surface roughness microscope;
 表面光泽 lustrous surface;
 表面光轧 skin pass rolling;
 表面光轧机 tempering mill;
 表面规 surface gage;
 表面滚挤加工 surface-pressed working up;
 表面含碳量 case carbon;
 表面焊缝 surface weld;
 表面耗尽层 surface depletion layer;
 表面核爆炸 surface nuclear explosion;
 表面合金化 surface alloying;
 表面护板 skin;
 表面划线培养 surface streak cultivation;
 表面化合物 surface compound;
 表面化学 {物化} surface chemistry;
 表面化学反应 surface chemical reaction;
 表面活化物质 surface-active material;
 表面活性度 surface activity;
 表面活性剂 surface active agent; surfactant; Igepal; syndets; tenside;
 表面活性剂选择性电极 surfactant selective electrode;
 表面活性物质 surface-active substance;
 表面击穿 surface breakdown;
 表面积累层 surface accumulation layer;
 表面激发 surface excitation;
 表面激活式阴极 surface-activated cathode;
 表面集成电路 epi-planarintegrated circuit;
 表面记录 {计} surface recording;
 表面加工 surfacing;
 表面价值 face value;
 表面接触 surface contact;
 表面接缝 face joint;
 表面接合 face bonding;
 表面节 face knot;
 表面结构 surface texture;
 表面结晶 surface crystallization;
 表面浸润试验 surface wetting experiment;
 表面晶体学 surface crystallography;
 表面精加工 surface finishing;
 表面菌丝生长 turf;
 表面扩散 surface diffusion;
 表面冷凝器 surface condenser;
 表面冷却 surface cooling;
 表面冷却器 surface-cooler;
 表面冷轧机 skin pass mill;
 表面粒子 surface particle;
 表面力 surface force;
 表面量子状态 surface quantum state;
 表面裂缝 surface crack;
 表面裂纹 surface crack;
 表面裂纹法 surface crack method;
 表面临界场 curface critical field;
 表面鳞剥 surface spall;
 表面鳞化 alramenting (保护钢铁表面);
 表面流变学 surface rheology;
 表面漏泄 surface leakage;
 表面洛氏硬度计 superficial Rockwell hardness tester;
 表面麻醉 surface anesthesia;
 表面酶 surface enzyme;
 表面密度 superficial density; surface density;
 表面免疫球蛋白 surface immunoglobulin;
 表面面积 surface area;
 表面皿 watch-glass;
 表面膜 surface film; pellicle;
 表面磨光 surface grinding;
 表面磨耗 surface abrasion;
 表面摩擦 {土} skin friction;
 表面摩擦力 {流} skin friction; skin-friction force;
 表面摩擦系数 {气} skin-friction coefficient;
 表面摩擦阻力 {航空} surface friction drag; skin-friction drag; skin-friction resistance; skin-frictional resistance;
 表面耐磨堆焊 {冶} hard-facing;
 表面能 surface energy;
 表面能级 surface energy level;
 表面逆温层 surface inversion layer;
 表面粘度 surface viscosity;
 表面粘力计 tacciometer;
 表面凝结 surface condensation;
 表面扭转 surface distortion;
 表面浓度 surface concentration;
 表面耦合 surface coupling;
 表面排斥 {生} surface exclusion;
 表面抛光 surface finish;
 表面配合物 surface complexes;
 表面膨胀 superficial expansion;
 表面疲劳 surface fatigue;
 表面偏析 surface segregation;
 表面破坏 surface breakdown;
 表面破裂 skin breakage;
 表面曝气 surface aeration;
 表面起伏 surface relief (马氏体转变);
 表面起毛 wildness;
 表面起膜 blooming;
 表面起皱 {物} surface wrinkling;
 表面气氛 surface atmosphere;
 表面气孔 pit skin;
 表面气泡 skin hole;
 表面汽化器 surface carburetor;
 表面强化 surface peening;
 表面鞘 surface sheath;
 表面切割 gouging;
 表面切削 surface cut;
 表面清洁整理 clarte;
 表面清理 removing surface; surface cleaning;
 表面倾淋处理 cloudburst treatment;
 表面取向 surface orientation;
 表面曲率 surface curvature;
 表面缺陷 surface defect; surface blemish; crizzling; roaks;
 表面燃烧 surface combustion;
 表面热处理 surface heat-treatment; thermolize;
 表面热电偶 surface thermocouple;
 表面热力学 surface thermodynamics;
 表面溶液 surface solution;
 表面熔解 surface melting;
 表面蠕动 reptation;
 表面润滑 surface lubrication;
 表面散度 surface divergence;
 表面散热系数 surface coefficient of heat transfer;
 表面色 surface colour;
 表面伤害 superficial injury;
 表面熵 surface entropy;
 表面烧伤 scorch;
 表面渗铝 alitizing;
 表面渗碳 surface carburization;
 表面渗碳淬火 nitrogencase hardening;
 表面渗碳硬化 case hardening;
 表面声道 surface sound channel;
 表面生长 surface growth;
 表面失去光泽 surface staining;
 表面失效 surface failure;
 表面失真 surface distortion;
 表面蚀变作用 hypergenesis; regressive diagenesis; retrodiagenesis;
 表面势 surface potential;
 表面寿命 surface lifetime;
 表面水化(作用) surface hydration;
 表面水解(作用) surface hydrolysis;
 表面水温 bucket temperature;
 表面态 surface state;
 表面涂层 face coat; surface coating; glaze;
 表面退火 flash annealing; skin annealing;
 表面脱碳 skin decarburization; soft skin; surface decarburization;
 表面外痕作用 surface marking;
 表面网纹 surface crazing;
 表面位垒 surface potential barrier;
 表面温度 surface temperature;
 表面稳定性 surface stability;
 表面物理学 surface physics;
 表面吸附 surface adsorption;
 表面系数 surface coefficient;
 表面瑕疵 surface defect;
 表面现象 superficial phenomenon;
 表面相 surface phase;
 表面消毒 {核} surface sterilization;
 表面消费 apparent consumption;
 表面效应 surface effect;
 表面效应船 surface effect ship;
 表面效应器 surface effect vehicle;
 表面形态学 surface morphology;
 表面形状 macroshape;
 表面性质 surface property;
 表面修整 deseaming;
 表面压力 surface pressure;
 表面因子 surface factor;
 表面引出导线的配电盘 live-front switch board;
 表面应力 quadric stress;
 表面硬度 case hardness; surface hardness;
 表面预处理 surface pretreatment;
 表面轧制 surface rolling;
 表面毡 surfacing mat;
 表面沾污 surface contamination;
 表面褶皱 surface folding;
 表面针孔 surface pinhole;
 表面振荡 surface oscillation;
 表面振荡能量量子 surfon;
 表面蒸发 surface evaporation;
 表面证据 prima facies evidence;
 表面直交单板 face crossing;
 表面制备工艺 surface preparation technology;
 表面质量 surface quality;
 表面质量检查仪 surface quality tester;
 表面状况 surface appearance;
 表面状态 surface state;
 表面着色 surface colouration;
 表面阻抗 surface impedance;
 表面阻力 skin resistance; surface drag;
 表面作用 surface behavior; surface action




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