

字词 正向
释义 正向
 zhèng xiàng
 {电} forward direction
 正向波 forward wave;
 正向波形蠕变 positive creep;
 正向补偿锯齿波电路 positive feedback sawtooth-wave circuit;
 正向插入增益 forward insertion gain;
 正向差幅 positive spread;
 正向冲击挤压法 {冶} Hooker process;
 正向传导 forward conduction;
 正向传递函数 {控} forward transfer function;
 正向传输阻容网络 forward transmission RC network;
 正向单元 positive element;
 正向导电区 forward-conducting region;
 正向抵偿电压 forward offset voltage;
 正向电导 forward conductance;
 正向电流 forward current;
 正向电流密度 forward current density;
 正向电流增益 forward current gain;
 正向电流转移系数 forward current transfer ratio;
 正向电路 forward circuit;
 正向电向层散射传播 forward propagation by ionospheric scatter;
 正向电压 forward voltage; direct voltage;
 正向电压闭锁能力 forward-voltage-blocking capacity;
 正向电压降 {电子} forward drop; forward voltage drop;
 正向电阻 forward resistance;
 正向读出 forward reading;
 正向对流层散射传播 forward propagation by tropospheric scatter;
 正向-反向电子解算器 forward-inverse electronic resolver;
 正向峰值电压 {电子} peak forward voltage;
 正向功率 forward power; incident power;
 正向归并 forward merge;
 正向互导纳 forward mutual admittance;
 正向恢复时间 {电子} forward recovery time;
 正向基流 forward base current;
 正向极限 direct limit;
 正向挤压 {冶} forwad extrusion;
 正向计数器 forward counter;
 正向监控 {计} forward supervision;
 正向锯齿波 positive-going sawtooth wave;
 正向控制 forward control;
 正向跨导纳 forward transadmittance;
 正向馈电传送 feedforward;
 正向脉冲 direct impulse;
 正向耦合器 {电子} forward coupler;
 正向偏压 {电子} forward bias;
 正向偏压整流器 forward-biased rectifier;
 正向平均电压降 forward mean voltage drop;
 正向平均漏电流 mean value of forward leakage current;
 正向箝位 positive clamping;
 正向区域 positive area;
 正向散射 {讯} forward scatter;
 正向扫描 {计} forward scan;
 正向施控元件 forward controlling element;
 正向输入 positive going input;
 正向输送 feed forward;
 正向水性 hydropositive;
 正向瞬时最大阳极电压 crest forward anode voltage;
 正向损耗 forward loss;
 正向特性 forward characteristic;
 正向通道 forward channel;
 正向通路 {控} forward path;
 正向突变 forward mutation;
 正向突变法 forward mutation method;
 正向突变检测 formard mutation assay;
 正向微分电阻 forward differential resistance;
 正向系索 yaw guy;
 正向限幅 positive limiting;
 正向削波 positive clipping;
 正向信道 forward channel;
 正向信号 forward signal;
 正向修剪 forward pruning;
 正向压降 forward voltage drop;
 正向压力波 {流} positive pressure wave;
 正向移动 positive shift;
 正向用缰 direct rein;
 正向再定位 forward repositioning;
 正向噪声 positive-going noise;
 正向增益 forward gain;
 正向转移导纳 forward transfer admittance;
 正向转移特性 forward transfer characteristic;
 正向转折电压forward breakover voltage;
 正向自动增益控制 positive AGC;
 正向自动增益控制电路 forward AGC circuit;
 正向阻断峰值电压 peak value of forward blocking voltage;
 正向阻抗 forward impedance;
 正向最大脉冲电压 forward overshoot voltage




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