

字词 操纵
释义 操纵
 cāo zòng
 (控制; 开动) operate; control; roll; steer:
  操纵机器 operate machines;
  无线电操纵 radio control;
  这架飞机有两套操纵装置。 The airplane had dual controls.
 (支配;控制) rig; manipulate; govern:
  幕后操纵 manipulate from behind the scenes; pull strings;
  操纵市场 rig the market; play (milk) the market;
  操纵市价 control the market-price;
  操纵表决机器 tamper with the voting machine; manipulate the voting;
  他们巧妙地操纵股票市场而大赚其钱。 They make a lot of money by clever manipulation of the Stock Market.
 操纵安置 control setting;
 操纵臂 control arm; control crank;
 操纵柄 control handle;
 操纵波束 controlling beam;
 操纵不灵 understeer;
 操纵舱 control compartment;
 操纵程序 steering program;
 操纵传感器 control pick-up; operating transducer;
 操纵地雷 controlled mine;
 操纵电路 operating circuit;
 操纵度 degree of controllability; margin of controllability;
 操纵舵 {航空} control vane (fin);
 操纵发动机 maneuvering engine;
 操纵阀盖垫密片 application valve covre gasket;
 操纵阀销 application valve pin;
 操纵阀压盖 control valve gland;
 操纵反效 {航空} reversal of control; control reversal;
 操纵范围 steering range;
 操纵感觉 {航空} control feel;
 操纵高速艇 speedboating;
 操纵基因 {生} operator (控制操纵子活动的基因);
 操纵基因位点 O-locus;
 操纵机构 catanator; control mechanism; controls; motivator;
 操纵集团 pool (用于股票市场);
 操纵价格 control prices; administered price;
 操纵绞盘 control capstan;
 操纵节流直角杆 throttle-control bell crank lever;
 操纵拉杆 control operating rod;
 操纵缆绳制动销 control cable stop;
 操纵雷场 controllable minefield;
 操纵力 operating force;
 操纵力距 control moment;
 操纵力系 control force system;
 操纵量 manipulated variable;
 操纵灵便 handling facility;
 操纵轮 handwheel;
 操纵轮控制 steering-column control;
 操纵模拟 control simulation;
 操纵模拟器 control simulator;
 操纵能力 maneuvering capability;
 操纵盘 control handwheel; steering hand wheel; controller;
 操纵喷管 control nozzle;
 操纵品质 handling quality;
 操纵器 executor; manipulator;
 操纵区段 operator region;
 操纵室 control cabin; pulpit; driver's compartment; operating cab (house);
 操纵试验 maneuvering test;
 操纵手柄 control crank; manual control lever; rigging (operating) handle; joystick;
 操纵数据 manipulation data;
 操纵索 control cable;
 操纵特性 handling characteristic;
 操纵稳定性 control stability;
 操纵效率 driving efficiency;
 操纵信号 control signal; steering command;
 操纵行程 control run;
 操纵修正 steering correction;
 操纵选举 rig an election;
 操纵要领 handling essentials;
 操纵应力 steering stress;
 操纵油 pilot oil;
 操纵有效性 control effectiveness;
 操纵员 controller;
 操纵者 rigger; operator; handler; controller;
 操纵指数 steering index;
 操纵装置 {控} effector; operating control (device); manipulator; control (steering) device; poaptor




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