字词 | 贵 |
释义 | 贵 guì 形 (价格高; 价值大) expensive; costly; dear: 昂贵 very expensive; 这地方东西很贵。 Things are expensive here. 这架照相机太贵了。 This camera is too dear. (评价高;值得珍视或重视) highly valued; valuable; precious: 宝贵 valuable; precious; 春雨贵如油。 Spring rain is as precious as oil. 人贵有自知之明。 It is valuable to know oneself. 兵贵神速。 Speed is crucial in military affairs. 物以稀为贵。 A thing is valued in proportion to its rarity. (旧时指地位优越) noble; honourable: 出身高贵 born in a noble family (敬) (称与对方有关的事物) your: 贵姓? May I know your name? 有何贵干? What business have you come here for? 名 (贵州省的简称) short for Guizhou Province: 云贵高原 the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau (姓氏) a surname: 贵迁 Gui Qian 动 (书) (尊敬) respect (重视) attach importance (爱戴) love with special respect (涨价) rise in price |
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