

字词 捕鱼
释义 捕鱼
 bǔ yú
 catch fish; fish; fishing:
  捕鱼为生 catch fish for living; live by fishing;
  在河里捕鱼 fish in the river;
  从冰窟窿里捕鱼 fish through the ice
 捕鱼场 fishing banks; piscary;
 捕鱼场所 fishing place;
 捕鱼船 fisherman; fisher;
 捕鱼法 fishery law;
 捕鱼帆船 fisherman's junk;
 捕鱼机械 fishing machine;
 捕鱼技术 halieutics;
 捕鱼量 catch (of fish);
 捕鱼篓 fish basket; cruive;
 捕鱼区 fishing zone;
 捕鱼权 fishing right; fishery;
 捕鱼人 piscator;
 捕鱼实践 halieutics;
 捕鱼术 fishery;
 捕鱼水车 fish wheel;
 捕鱼网 fishing net; trammel net; trammel;
 捕鱼栅 stream net;
 捕鱼作业时数 hours fished;
 捕鱼者 fisher




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