

字词 民族
释义 民族
 mín zú
 nation; nationality; national reconciliation:
  历史民族 historical reconciliation;
  民族之林 nations of the world;
  民族自豪感 sense of national pride;
  被压迫民族 oppressed nations;
  国内各民族 various nationalities of China;
  混合的少数民族 mixed-race minorities;
  少数民族 minority nationality; national minority;
  犹太民族 Jewish people;
  中华民族 the Chinese nation
 民族败类 scum of a nation;
 民族闭关主义 national isolationism;
 民族壁垒 national barrier;
 民族博物馆 museum of ethnography;
 民族差别 national distinction;
 民族大家庭 the great family of nationalities;
 民族大业 noble national cause;
 民族大义 overall national interest;
 民族地区 territory of nationality;
 民族地理学 {人} ethnogeography; Voelkergeographie;
 民族调查 investigation of nationality;
 民族调式 national mode;
 民族动乱 ethnic unrest;
 民族斗争 national struggle;
 民族对立 national antagonism;
 民族分布 habitat of nationality;
 民族分离权 the Right of the secession of the nations;
 民族分离主义 national separationism;
 民族分立权 the Right of the separation of the nations;
 民族分裂主义 national secessionism (splitism);
 民族分裂主义情绪 ethnic separationist sentiments;
 民族风格 national style; national flavour;
 民族复兴 revival of nationhood; national rejuvenation;
 民族感情 national sentiments;
 民族干部 national cadre;
 民族歌剧 national opera;
 民族隔阂 national estrangement;
 民族隔绝 national segregation;
 民族工商业者 national bourgeois industrialists and merchants; national industrialists and businessmen;
 民族工业 national industry;
 民族共同体 national community;
 民族共同语 national common language;
 民族观 national viewpoint;
 民族关系 national relations;
 民族孤立主义 national isolationism;
 民族国家 national states;
 民族建筑 national architecture;
 民族接近 national access;
 民族精神 national spirit;
 民族精神病学 ethnopsychiatry;
 民族集团 national group;
 民族纠纷 national disputation;
 民族聚居区 concentrated area of nationality;
 民族科学 ethnoscience;
 民族历史 national history;
 民族利己主义 national egoism;
 民族联盟 the alliance between nationalities;
 民族领袖 national leader;
 民族矛盾 national conflict;
 民族贸易企业 nationality products enterprises;
 民族民主革命 national-democratic revolution;
 民族偏见 national prejudice;
 民族平等 the equality of nationalities;
 民族起义 national uprising; uprising of nationality;
 民族起源 origin of nationality;
 民族迁徙 migration of nationality;
 民族区域自治 regional autonomy of minority nationalities; regional national autonomy;
 民族权利 national rights;
 民族融合 national amalgamation;
 民族溶合 national mergence;
 民族色彩 national colour;
 民族沙文主义 national chauvinism;
 民族声乐 national vocal music;
 民族生存 national existence;
 民族识别 national discrimination (identification);
 民族市场 national market;
 民族特点 national traits;
 民族特权 the privileges of nationalities;
 民族特征 national characteristics;
 民族同化 national assimilation;
 民族统一战线 national united front;
 民族投降主义 national capitulation;
 民族团结 national unity;
 民族文化 national culture;
 民族文化宫 the Cultural Palace of the Nationalities;
 民族文化自治 national cultural autonomy;
 民族问题 problem of nationality;
 民族舞蹈 national dance;
 民族乡 autonomous xiang;
 民族消亡 national extinction;
 民族形成 formation of nationality;
 民族形式 national style; national form;
 民族性 national characters;
 民族虚无主义 national nihilism;
 民族学院 institute for nationalities; academy of minorities;
 民族压迫 national oppression;
 民族医药学 medicine of national minorities;
 民族遗产 national heritage;
 民族意识 national consciousness;
 民族英雄 national hero;
 民族优越感 national superiority complex;
 民族语 national language;
 民族语义学 ethnosemantics;
 民族乐派 nationalists in music;
 民族乐器 national musical instruments;
 民族乐团 nationalities orchestra;
 民族运动 national movement;
 民族杂居地区 multi-national area;
 民族真菌学 ethnomycology;
 民族战争 war between nationalities;
 民族阵线 national front;
 民族政策 policy towards nationalities;
 民族志 ethnography; national journal;
 民族殖民地问题 problem of colonial nationality;
 民族中心主义 ethnocentrism;
 民族资产阶级 national bourgeoisie;
 民族自信心 national confidence;
 民族自尊心 national pride; national self-respect;
 民族尊严 national dignity;
 民族组成 national composition




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