

字词 主任
释义 主任
 zhǔ rèn
 director; head; chairman:
  班主任 teacher in charge of a class;
  办公厅主任 director of the general office;
  车间主任 director of a workshop;
  翻译室主任 director of the department of translation and interpretation;
  会计主任 chief accountant;
  教研室主任 chief of teaching and research section;
  居民委员会主任 head of the neighbourhood committee;
  系主任 dean; dean of the faculty;
  国家计划委员会主任 Minister in charge of the State Planning Commission;
  总政治部主任 Director of the General Political Department;
  教务主任 director of teaching affairs;
  人事处主任 dean of personnel;
  教导主任 dean of studies;
  部门主任 a department head;
  外事办公室主任 director of the office of foreign affairs
 主任工程师 engineer in charge;
 主任工务员 fore-overman;
 主任检验师 chief analyst;
 主任秘书 chief secretary;
 主任委员 chairman of committee;
 主任医生 archiater




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