

字词 下水
释义 下水
 xià shuǐ
 (进入水中)enter the water;be launched:
  (使)船下水 launch a ship;
  一艘新战舰从船坞下水。 A new battleship was launched from a shipyard.
 (做坏事) take to evildoing; fall into evil ways:
  拖人下水 involve sb. in evildoing; entice (inveigle) sb. into evildoing
 (向下游航行的) downriver; downstream:
  下水船 downriver boat
 下水典礼 launching ceremony;
 下水(和弦)功能 function of subdominant chord;
 下水和弦 subdominant chord;
 下水滑道 launching ways; slipway; bilgeway;
 下水计算 launching calculation;
 下水(支)架 poppet; beachcart;
 下水台 shipway; launchway另见 xià shui。




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