

字词 复活
释义 复活
 fù huó
 (死了又活过来) bring back to life; revive; resuscitate; resurgence:
  防止法西斯主义复活 guard against the revival of fascism;
  复活军国主义 revival of militarism;
  民族主义情绪的复活 (a) resurgence of nationalist feeling
  {基督教} (耶稣复活日) Resurrection:
  基督教徒们庆祝耶稣基督的复活。 Christians celebrate the resurrection of Christ from the death.
 复活断层 renewed fault;
 复活断层崖 rejuvenated fault scarp;
 复活河 revived river;
 复活剂 revivifier;
 复活面 reactivation surface;
 复活器 rejuvenator;
 复活气体 reactivation gas;
 复活温度 rectivation temperature;
 复活周期 reactivation cycle




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