

字词 不是味儿
释义 不是味儿
 bù shì wèir
 (味道不正) not the right flavour; not quite right; a bit off:
  这个菜炒得不是味儿。 This dish doesn't taste quite right.
  他的京剧唱得不是味儿。 The way he sings Beijing opera is a bit off.
 (不对头) fishy; queer; amiss:
  他的作风, 我越看越不是味儿。 I feel more and more that there's something wrong with his way of doing things.
  我越想越觉得不是味儿。 The more I thought about it, the less I like it.
 (不好受) feel bad; be upset; be vexed; be perturbed:
  听了他的话, 我心里感到不是味儿。 I was upset by what he said.




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