

字词 收拾
释义 收拾
 shōu shi
 (整理) put in order; tidy; clear away; gather up:
  收拾破碟子的碎片 gather up the pieces of broken dishes;
  收拾碟盘和剩菜剩饭 clear away dishes and leftovers;
  收拾桌子 clear the table;
  收拾屋子 tidy up the room
 (准备) get things ready; pack:
  收拾衣物 pack up one's clothes
 (修理) repair; mend:
  收拾鞋子 mend shoes
  (口) (整治) settle with; punish:
  如果你不把钱还给我, 我就叫我手下人来收拾你。 If you don't give me the money, I'll send my boys to take care of you.
  不出这个星期我们要收拾他。 We'll settle with him before the week's out.




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