字词 | 发育 |
释义 | 发育 fā yù growth; development; auxe; engender; grow; develop gradually by a process of growth and change: 发育健全 physically well developed; 促进发育 accelerate growth; 密切注视幼儿智力的发育 intently watch the development of the infant mind; 粗劣的食物妨碍儿童的发育。 Poor food arrests the natural growth of children. 婴儿发育情况良好。 The baby is coming on well. 发育标准 auxodrome; 发育不良 {医} stunk; dysontogenesis; maldevelopment; 发育不全 hypoplasia; atelia; ateliosis; ateleiosis; dysgenesis; stuntedness; atelo; aplasia; hypoplasty; hypogenesis; hypoplasis; agennesia; agenesia; agenesis; underdevelopment; 发育不全侏儒 ateliotic dwarf; 发育迟缓 bradygenesis; stuntedness; 发育分级 development stages; 发育过度 overdevelopment; 发育机制 developmental mechanism; 发育激素 {生化} auximone; 发育进度 development progress; 发育均匀 eurhythmia; 发育力 plastodynamia; 发育零点 development zero; 发育逆转 development reversion; 发育生理学 development physiology; 发育生物学 development biology; 发育速度基因 rategene; 发育停顿性畸形 stasimorphia; 发育停止 blastocolysis; 发育停滞变形 {动} stasimorphy; 发育遗传 phenogenesis; 发育遗传学 developmental genetics; 发育异常 abnormal development; dysplasia; paraplasia; alloplasia; 发育甾醇 auxemasterol; 发育障碍 suppression (身体某部分或器官的); eccyliosis; 发育障碍病 dysgenopathy; 发育枝 developmental branch; 发育周期 cyclogenl; 发育自动调节 developmental homeostasis |
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