字词 | 跨 |
释义 | 跨 kuà 动 (抬起一只脚向前或向左右迈) step; stride: 跨过小沟 (溪) stride over a ditch (brook); 跨进大门 step into a doorway; 向前跨一步 take a step forward; 欢欣鼓舞地跨入新的一年 stride into the new year in high spirits; 它很窄, 你可以很容易地跨过去。 It's quite narrow -- you can easily step across. (两腿分在物体的两边坐着或立着) bestride; straddle: 横跨长江的大桥 a gigantic bridge spanning the Changjiang River; 跨上战马 mount (bestride) a war-horse; 一桥跨越大江。 A bridge straddles the river. (超越一定数量、时间或地区之间的界限) cut across; go beyond: 组织跨地区的商品供应 organize transregional commodity supplies; 亚洲地跨寒、温、热三带。 Asia extends across the frigid, temperate and tropical zones. |
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