

字词 下台
释义 下台
 xià tái
 (下舞台或讲台) step down from the stage or platform
 (失去权力, 卸去公职) resign; resign one's right (power); out of power; fall out of power; leave office; extricate oneself from a position:
  被赶下台 be driven out of office; be thrown out;
  某某下台了 sb. fell;
  前内阁在1989年下台。 The previous cabinet went out of power in 1989.
 (多用于否定式,比喻摆脱困境) get out of a predicament or an embarrassing situation:
  叫他下不了台 put him on the spot;
  没法下台 be unable to back down with good grace




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