

字词 公用
释义 公用
 gōng yòng
 for public (common) use; public; communal
 公用变量 common variable;
 公用表达式 common expression;
 公用车辆 utility vehicle;
 公用车辆性能 performance of public vehicles;
 公用程序 common program;
 公用程序库 public library;
 公用存储 common storage;
 公用存储器 common memory;
 公用存储体 common bank;
 公用地 public land;
 公用电杆 common pole;
 公用电话 pay station; public telephone;
 公用电话间 telephone booth; telephone box;
 公用电话亭 public station;
 公用电力事业 power utility;
 公用电力系统 municipal power supply system;
 公用电气事业 public electricity supply;
 公用发电 utility generation;
 公用发电厂 public power station; municipal power plant;
 公用浮动 common relocation;
 公用福利设施 public welfare;
 公用港 open port; (柴油机的)
 公用给油管 common rail;
 公用工程 public work;
 公用计算机语言 common machine language;
 公用交换网络 {信} public switched network;
 公用结合 {计} common association;
 公用卷宗 public volume;
 公用控制部件 {自} common control unit;
 公用块 {计} common block;
 公用逻辑地址空间 common logical address space;
 公用面积 {建} public area;
 公用区 {自} common area; global area (各程序共用的程序);
 公用权 commonage;
 公用事业 utility; utility service; public utilities;
 公用事业公司 common-carrier;
 公用事业局 bureau (department) of public utilities;
 公用事业设备 {工} utility;
 公用说明语句 {自} common declaration statement;
 公用天线 common antenna;
 公用天线电视 CATV (community antenna television);
 公用庭园 communal garden;
 公用通信 {信} public correspondence;
 公用通信网 public network;
 公用通信业务 {信} public communications service;
 公用外围接口 common peripheral interface;
 公用外围通道 common peripheral channel;
 公用无线电通信业务 {信} public radio communications services;
 公用硬件 shared hardware;
 公用系统 synergic system;
 公用线 common line;
 公用信号 global semaphore;
 公用页 common page;
 公用硬件 {计} shared hardware;
 公用硬设备 common hardware;
 公用邮箱 mailbox;
 公用语句 common statement;
 公用语言 common language;
 公用载重汽车 utility truck;
 公用子程序区 common subroutine area;
 公用总线 common bus




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