

 (古代指盾) shield
 (天干) short for the ten Heavenly Stems
  (书) (水边) the edge of waters:
  江干 river bank
 (姓氏) a surname:
  干宝 Gan Bao
 (加工制成的干食品) dried food:
  饼干 biscuit;
  葡萄干儿 raisin;
  豆腐干儿 dried bean curd;
  萝卜干儿 dried radish
 (没有水分或水分很少) dry:
  干毛巾 dry towel;
  晒干 sun dry;
  油漆未干。 Wet paint.
  这木柴干得可以烧了吗? Is this wood dry enough to burn?
 (不用水的) waterless:
  干洗剂 dry cleaner;
  干性油 dry oil
 (空虚; 空无所有) empty; hollow:
  外强中干 outwardly strong but inwardly weak;
  输干了 cleaned out in gambling;
  酒瓶干了。 The wine bottle is empty.
 (指拜认的亲属关系) taken into nominal kinship:
  干女儿 adopted daughter
  (方) (形容说话太直太粗) rough; rude; boorish:
  说话别那么干。 Don't have a rough tongue.
  (书)(冒犯) offend:
  干犯 offend
 (牵连; 涉及) have to do with; be concerned with; be implicated in; interfere with:
  与你何干? What has this to do with you?
  这事与我无干。 It has nothing to do with me.; It's none of my business.
  (书) (追求) request; seek:
  干进 seek official preferment;
  干禄 seek official position
  (方) (当面使人难堪) scold:
  我又干了他一顿。 I gave him a scolding.
  (方) (慢待; 置之不理) coldshoulder; leave sb. out in the cold:
  把咱们又干起来了 gave us again the coldshoulder; coldshoulder us again;
  主人走了, 把他们干在这儿了。 The host went off, leaving them out in the cold.
 (徒劳) with no result; futilely; in vain:
  我干等了他半天。 I wasted a lot of time for him (and he didn't turn up).
 (只具形式的) superficially:
  干嚎 howling without tears;
  干呕 vomit and throw up nothing
 (仅仅) only; with nothing else:
  干凭这点本事 has only this bit of skill;
  干靠这点工资 depend only on the small salary
 另见 gàn; “乾”另见 qián。
 2) 干(幹、榦)
 (事物的主体或重要部分) trunk; main part:
  枝干 branches and trunk;
  躯干 trunk; torso
 (干部的简称) short for cadre:
  干群关系 relations between cadres and the masses;
  高干 senior cadre
 (姓氏) a surname:
  干道冲 Gan Daochong
 (做事) do; work; attend to:
  实干 do solid work;
  埋头苦干 quietly immerse oneself in hard work;
  叫我干什么都行。 I'll do any job I may be assigned to.
  你干得挺不错。 You've done quite well.
 (担任; 从事) hold the post of; be engaged in:
  他干过队长。 He used to be a team leader.
 (斗争; 奋斗) fight; strike; struggle:
  干到底 fight to the bitter end
 (有能力的) able; capable:
  干将 a capable person;
  真能干 really capable
  (方) (事情变坏; 糟) worse; bad




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