

字词 全面
释义 全面
 quán miàn
 overall; comprehensive; all-round; entire:
  全面深化改革 deepen the overall reforms; deepen the reform in an all-round way;
  全面削减(核武器) overall reduction of (nuclear weapons);
  全面崩溃 total collapse;
  全面规划 overall planning;
  全面观察问题 observe the problems all-sidedly;
  全面检修 complete overhaul;
  全面戒备 all-out alert;
  全面发展 all-round development;
  全面进攻 a full-scale offensive; an all-out attack;
  全面解决 overall settlement;
  全面的、无所不包的经济计划 all-inclusive economic planning;
  全面好转 all-round improvement in the economy; all-round turn for the better; general improvement;
  全面考虑问题 examine the question in its entirety;
  全面落实 implement in an all-round way;
  全面考核, 合理计奖 make an all-round assessment of the work of the personnel and issue bonuses rationally;
  全面胜利 a total victory;
  全面实现计划 carry out a plan to the full;
  把事情全面考虑一下 think the matter over;
  了解全面情况 have an grasp of the overall situation;
  科学发展的全面规划 overall plan for the development of science;
  全面彻底裁军 general and complete disarmament;
  全面开创社会主义现代化建设新局面 create a new situation in all fields of socialist modernization;
  全面看问题 take an allround view of things; see a problem from all sides; look at problem all-sidedly;
  全面地、正确地贯彻 completely and accurately carry out;
  创社会主义现代化建设新局面 create a new situation in all fields of socialist modernization;
  全面看问题 take an allround view of things; see a problem from all sides; look at problem all-sidedly;
  全面地、正确地贯彻 completely and accurately carry out;
  全面建交 establish full diplomatic relations;
  全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器 complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons
 全面保险 full insurance;
 全面暴露煤层 costean;
 全面财务计划 overall financial plan;
 全面财政责任制 system of overall financial responsibility;
 全面成本管理 overall cost control;
 全面磋商 all-round consulation;
 全面冻结 freeze-over;
 全面调查 overall investigation;
 全面对称 holohedry; holohedrism;
 全面分析 multianalysis;
 全面腐蚀 general corrosion;
 全面改革 overall restructuring; all round (compre-hensive) reform;
 全面概括 view;
 全面高涨 all-round upsurge;
 全面观点 perspective;
 全面管理系统 total management system;
 全面规划 comprehensive (overall) planning;
 全面合伙 societas universorum bonorum;
 全面核战争 full-scale nuclear war;
 全面化 generalization;
 全面回采 allwork;
 全面价格 all-round price;
 全面检查 traverse; comprehensive review; overall checkup;
 全面教育 overall education;
 全面结冰 ice up; ice-up;
 全面进给法 plunge cut;
 全面进磨法 plunge grinding;
 全面禁运 total embargo;
 全面精神危机 catathymic crisis;
 全面精加工 finish all over (FAO);
 全面经济效果 overall economic effect;
 全面警戒 all-around protection;
 全面开花 be on the upgrade everywhere;
 全面开挖 full-face tunneling;
 全面三角测量 area triangulation;
 全面扫掠装置 all-round looking scanner;
 全面审计 complete audit;
 全面施肥 blanker application; overall application;
 全面施工 full-scale construction;
 全面试验 comprehensive test;
 全面所有权 general property;
 全面体 holohedron;
 全面通货膨胀 generalized inflation;
 全面像 holohedrism;
 全面形 holomorphism; holohedral form;
 全面削减 across-the-board cut;
 全面异级像 holohedral hemimorphism;
 全面运转 full-scale operation;
 全面展开 in full swing;
 全面摘要 pandect;
 全面战争 all-out war; full-scale war;
 全面罩印花筒 over roller;
 全面整党 all-round consolidation of the Party;
 全面质量管理 total qualitl-out war; full-scale war;
 全面罩印花筒 over roller;
 全面整党 all-round consolidation of the Party;
 全面质量管理 total quality control;
 全面总结 comprehensive summing up;
 全面重力测量 all-round gravity measurement




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