

字词 语音
释义 语音
 yǔ yīn
 speech sounds; pronunciation; voice:
  标准语音 Received Pronunciation;
  地方语音 regional pronunciation;
  她的英语语音很正确。 She speaks English with a good pronunciation.
 语音编码 voice coding;
 语音编码机 vocoder;
 语音表现 phonological representation;
 语音(时间分配)插空 {电} time assignment speech interpolation;
 语音程序编制系统 voice programming system;
 语音处理 speech processing;
 语音打字机 phonetic typewriter;
 语音代码 phonetic code;
 语音合成器 {电子} voder (voice operation demonstrator);
 语音功率 phonetic speech power;
 语音检波器 speech detector;
 语音可懂度 intelligibility of speech;
 语音模式 speech pattern;
 语音频谱包络 spectrum-envelope of voice;
 语音平衡词表 phonetically balanced (PB) word list;
 语音权级 phonic level;
 语音识别 phonetic recognition;
 语音实验室 sound lab;
 语音输入法 {计} phonetic entry method;
 语音数据处理 voice data processing;
 语音数字化 voice digitization;
 语音相对出现频率 relative frequency of speech sounds;
 语音应答设备 voice response device;
 语音增益调整器 {电子} vogad (voice-operated gain-adjusted device);
 语音震颤 vocal fremitus;
 语音字母表 phonetic alphabet




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