

字词 近期
释义 近期
 jìn qī
 in the near future; short term; recent:
  在近期内 for the near term;
  近期预报 short-term forecast;
  近期内将下大雪。 There will be heavy snow in the coming few days.
  总统将在近期内访华。 The President will visit China in the near future.
 近期计划 immediate-term planning;
 近期交货 near delivery;
 近期经济增长速度 economic growth rate in the near future;
 近期决策 near term decision;
 近期目标 immediate (short) term objective;
 近期未来 immediate future;
 近期展望 near term prospect;
 近期装运 earlier forward shipment




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