

字词 起源
释义 起源
 qǐ yuán
 (根源) origin; beginning; derivation; rise in:
  生命之起源 the origination of life;
  生物的起源 the origin of living things;
  文明的起源 the origin(s) of civilization;
  没有记载的起源 unrecorded beginnings;
  希腊文化的起源 the beginning of Greek culture
 (开始发生) originate from; originate in; stem from; come from; take sth. as a starting point:
  这场争吵起源于误解。 The quarrel originated in a misunderstanding.
  一切知识起源于劳动。 All knowledge originates from labour.
  它起源于美国。 It originated on American soil.
 起源国 source state; country of origin;
 起源论 archology;
 起源说 archology;
 起源中心 centre of origin




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