

 (服装) dress; outfit; attire; clothing:
  盛装 in beautiful dress; attire;
  军装 uniform;
  猎装 hunting outfit;
  春装 a spring outfit;
  童装 children's wear (clothing)
 (演员的化装品) stage makeup and costume:
  着装 dress and put on makeup or costume;
  卸装 remove stage makeup and costume
 (修饰; 打扮) adorn; dress up; trim; decorate; attire; play the part (role) of; deck; act:
  装牌楼庆国庆 trim an arch in celebration of National Day;
  他装老头儿。 He acts as an old man in the play.
 (假装) pretend; make believe; disguise; feign:
  乔装 disguise;
  装憨儿 pretend foolishness;
  装睡 pretend to be asleep;
  装死 feign death; sham dead;
  不要不懂装懂。 Don't pretend to know what you don't know.
 (把东西放进器物内; 把物品放在运输工具上) hold; pack; load:
  把粮食装进仓 hold the grain in the barn;
  把衣服装入箱内 pack clothes into a trunk
 (装配; 安装) furnish; fit; assemble; install:
  为船只装上雷达设备 provide a ship with radar equipment;
  安装暖气装置 install a heating apparatus;
  给门装上锁 fit a lock on the door




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