

字词 资格
释义 资格
 zī ge
 (从事某种活动所必备的条件) qualification:
  没有资格参加比赛 be disqualified from taking part in the game;
  取消比赛资格 be disqualified from a contest;
  有资格说 be entitled to say that;
  有资格参加投票 be qualified for the vote;
  你有什么资格向别人发号施令? What right have you to dictate to others?
  由于他太年轻, 因而没有资格当主席。 His youth disqualified him from becoming president.
 (从事某种活动所形成的身分) seniority:
  摆老资格 flaunt one's seniority;
  资格很老 be high in seniority
 资格审查委员会 credentials committee;
 资格条件 prerequisites;
 资格证书 credentials




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