

字词 引出
释义 引出
 yǐn chū
 draw forth; lead to; drawing off; extraction; elicitation; eduction; exhaustion; recording; derivation (生物电流的):
  引出好结果 lead to good results;
  引出结论 draw (lead up to) a conclusion;
  从 ... 中引出教训 draw a moral from ...;
  这种措词可能会引出歧义。 The wording is likely to lead to ambiguity.
 引出电压 extraction voltage;
 引出端 exit; leading-out terminal; terminal; pig-tail;
 引出过程 spill process (束流的);
 引出盒(箱) outlet box;
 引出缆 lead wire;
 引出连接线 outconnector;
 引出束 ejected beam; exit beam; extracted beam;
 引出物 derivative;
 引出系统 extraction system;
 引出指令 exit instructions;
 引出装置 ejector; extractor




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