

字词 萌芽
释义 萌芽
 méng yá
 (植物生芽) sprout; germinate; shoot; budbreak; bud:
  萌芽生根 sprout and grow roots;
  树上的萌芽是春天来临的征兆。 Buds on the trees are a sign of spring.
 (新生未长成的事物) rudiment; seed; germ:
  萌芽时期 in embryo; in the rudimentary stage;
  处于萌芽状态 in the embryonic stage; in the bud;
  资本主义的萌芽 the seeds of capitalism;
  把 ... 消灭在萌芽状态 check (crush; nip) in the bud
 萌芽孢子 sporeling;
 萌芽繁殖体 {植} blastochore;
 萌芽更新 natural regeneration by shoots; regeneration under sprout method;
 萌芽沟 germ furrow (指花粉粒);
 萌芽海洋 embryonic ocean;
 萌芽林 sprout forest; coppice wood;
 萌芽林地 sproutland




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