

字词 传票
释义 传票
 chuán piào
  {律} (传唤到案的凭证) (court) summons; citation; monition; subpoena:
  发出传票 issue a summons;
  把传票送达某人 serve a summons (writ) on sb.; serve sb. with a summons;
  接到出庭的传票 be served with the summons to attend;
  向某人发出传票, 并限期出庭答辩 serve a summons to sb. and set a time limit for him to appear in court;
  传票被撤回。 The summons was withdrawn.
  {会计} (登记账目的凭单) voucher; bookkeeping note
 传票送达员 server;
 传票制度 voucher system




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