

 (明亮) bright; brilliant; light:
  灯火通明 be brightly lit; be brilliantly illuminated;
  一轮明月 a full moon;
 (明白;清楚) clear; distinct:
  查明 make sure;
  充分说明 show clearly;
  黑白分明 with black and white sharply contrasted;
  下落不明 whereabouts unknown
  (公开;显露在外;不隐蔽) open; overt; visible; apparent:
  明里暗里支持 give both overt and covert support
 (眼力好; 眼光正确; 对事物现象看得清) clear-sighted; sharp-eyed; discerning:
  聪明 clever; intelligent;
  精明 astute; shrewd; bright;
  耳聪目明 have sharp ears and eyes
 (心地光明) aboveboard; candid; honest:
  光明磊落 open and aboveboard; plain dealing;
  正大光明 open and aboveboard; just and honourable
 (懂得;了解) understand; comprehend; know:
  深明大义 be deeply conscious of the righteousness of a cause;
  不明利害 do not know gains and losses (advantages and disadvantages)
 (朝代) the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
 (视觉) sight:
  失明 lose one's sight;
  复明 regain one's sight
 (次于今年、 今天的) immediately following in time:
  明年 next year;
  明晚 tomorrow evening
  (书) (人世间) the world
 (姓氏) a surname:
  明玉珍 Ming Yuzhen




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