

释义 压(壓)
1.对物体施压力(多指从上向下){press; push down; hold down; weigh down; bring pressure to bear on}:
{crush to pieces}|用铜尺把纸{hold a piece of paper in place with a copper paperweight bar}◇泰山顶不弯腰。{be so dauntless as to refuse to yield to any pressure even if it had the weight of Mount Taishan}
2.超越;胜过{surpass; outdo}:
才不{have mediocre talent}|群芳。{be unmatched in skill}
3.使稳定;使平静{stabilize; hold back; keep under control}:
咳嗽{hold back a cough}|住阵脚{dig one's feet in; hold one's ground}|不住火ㄦ{fail to hold back one's anger}|这出戏很精彩,一定得住台。{This performance is good enough to hold the audience enthralled, no question about it.}
4.压制{suppress; quell}:
{crack down on}|别拿大帽子人。{Stop labelling people. or Stop intimidating people with political labels.}
5.逼近{draw near; close in on; approach}:
{(of enemy troops) close in on the border of a country}|太阳树梢。{The setting sun was just above the treetops.}
6.搁着不动{set aside; shelve; pigeonhole}:
{stockpile}|这件公文要赶紧处理,别起来。{Don't pigeonhole this document, which needs to be handled without delay.}
7.赌博时在某一门上下注。{(of a gambler) bet; stake}




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