

字词 后身
释义 后身hòushēn
1.({hòushēnr})身体后边的部分{back of a person}:
我只看见,认不清是谁。{I couldn't make out who he was as I only saw his back.}
2.({hòushēnr})上衣、袍子等背后的部分{back of a garment}:
这件衬衫太长了。{The back of this shirt is too long.}
3.({hòushēnr})房屋等的后边{back of a building}:
有几棵枣树。{There are several jujube trees at the back of the house.}
4.人或动物来世转生的人或动物(迷信)。{(superstition) reincarnation of humans or animals}
5.(机构、制度等)由早先的一个转变而成的另一个(有的只是改变名称){(of an institution, system, etc.) successor}:
八路军、新四军的是中国人民解放军。{The Chinese People's Liberation Army is the successor to the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army.}




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