

字词 还是
释义 还是hái·shi
1.same as还(hái)①:
尽管今天风狂雨大,他们照常出工。{They went out to work despite the strong wind and heavy rain today.}
2.same as还(hái)⑤:
没想到这事ㄦ真难办。{I didn't expect it to be so difficult.}
3.表示希望,含有‘这么办比较好’的意思{(expressing hope) had better}:
天气凉了,多穿点ㄦ吧。{It's getting cold, you'd better put on more clothes.}
4.用在问句里,表示选择,放在每一个选择的项目的前面,不过第一项之前也可以不用‘还是’{[used in a question to express selection among several choices, placed before each choice except the first where it is optional] or}:
上午去?下午去?{Will you go in the morning or in the afternoon?}|去看朋友,去电影院,去滑冰场,他一时拿不定主意。{He hesitates as to whether he should visit a friend, go to the cinema, or go skating.}




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