

释义 咬(、齩)yǎo
1.上下牙齿用力对着(大多为了夹物体或使物体的一部分从整体分离{mostly to catch things or tear a part off a whole being}){bite; snap at; seize, pierce or cut with teeth}:
紧牙关{grit or clench one's teeth; endure with dogged determination}|用嘴住绳子{grip the rope with one's mouth}|让蛇了一口{be bitten by a snake}|了一口苹果。{take a bite of an apple}
2.钳子等夹住或齿轮、螺丝等互相卡住{(of gears, screws, etc.) bite; catch; (of pincers) grip}:
螺丝母勚(yì)了,不住。{The nut is worn and won't catch.}
3.(狗)叫{(of dogs) bark}:
鸡叫狗{cocks crow and dogs bark}
4.受责难或审讯时牵扯别人(多指无辜的){incriminate sb. (oft. innocent) when blamed or interrogated}:
一口。{trump up a countercharge against one's accuser}
5.〈方dial.油漆等使皮肤、衣物损伤{corrode (metals); (of paint, etc.) irritate (the skin); damage clothes}:
碱水把铝盆坏了{Alkaline water has corroded the aluminum basin.}|我最怕漆{I'm terribly allergic to paint.}
6.正确地念出(字的音);过分地计较(字句的意义){pronounce; articulate; be nitpicking (about the use of words)}:
{articulate}|字眼ㄦ{be nitpicking over words}|文嚼字。{pay excessive attention to wording}
7.追赶进逼;紧跟不放{close in on; advance on; press on towards}:
双方比分得很紧{The score was very close throughout the match.}|火炮始终住目标。{The cannons are closing in on the targets.}




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