

字词 越俎代庖
释义 越俎代庖yuè zǔ dài páo厨子不做饭,掌管祭祀神主的人不能越过自己的职守,放下祭器去代替厨子做饭(见于《庄子·逍遥游》)。一般用来比喻超过自己的职务范围,去处理别人所管的事情。{When a cook doesn't do his job, the person in charge of a sacrificial ceremony cannot overstep his responsibility and put down his own work to take the cook's place to prepare food (Zhuangzi·Transcendent Bliss). (fig.) exceed one's authority by meddling in other people's affairs; take sb. else's job into one's own hands; do things outside one's area of responsibility}




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