

释义 1
1.数目,最小的正整数。{one; the smallest positive integer}参看see【数字】{shùzì}
视同仁{treat equally without discrimination}|咱们是家人{We are of the same family.}|你们路走{You are going the same way.}|这不是码事。{They are not the same thing.}
3.另一{also; otherwise}:
番茄名西红柿。{‘Fanqie’ (tomato) is also called ‘xihongshi’ in Chinese.}
4.全;满{whole; all; throughout}:
{the whole winter; all winter; throughout the winter}|{all one's life}|路平安{have a good journey; bon voyage}|屋子人{a roomful of people}|身的汗。{soaked with sweat}
5.专一{concentrated; wholehearted}:
意。{single-minded; concentrated}
6.表示动作是一次,或表示动作是短暂的,或表示动作是试试的{[used to indicate that an action occurs just once or lasts for a short time, or is being attempted]}。a)用在重叠的动词(多为单音)中间{[used in the middle of a reduplicated verb, oft. a single syllable]}:
{have a rest}|{give a smile}|让我闻闻。{Let me smell it.}b)用在动词之后,动量词之前{[used between a verb and a verbal measure]}:
{give a laugh}|{take a look}|让我们商量下。{Let's talk it over.}
7.用在动词或动量词前面,表示先做某个动作(下文说明动作结果){[used before a verb or a verbal measure to indicate an action to be followed by a result]}:
跳跳了过去{get over in one jump}|脚把它踢开{move it away with one kick}|他在旁边站,再也不说什么。{He stood by the side, and did not say any more.}
8.一旦;一经{once; as soon as}:
失足成千古恨。{A single slip can cause a lasting sorrow.}
9.〈书fml.〈助词aux.用在某些词前加强语气{[used before certain words for emphasis]}:
何速也{How fast it is!}|为害之甚,至于此!{To think that it has caused such serious harm!}[注意]NOTE:
‘一’字单用或在一词一句末尾念阴平,如‘十一、一一得一’,在去声字前念阳平,如‘一半、一共’,在阴平、阳平、上声字前念去声,如‘一天、一年、一点’。本词典为简便起见,条目中的‘一’字,都注阴平。{When used alone, or used at the end of a word or sentence, 一is pronounced with the first tone, e.g. 十一 shíyī and 一一得一 yī yī dé yī; when used before a character with a falling tone, 一 is pronounced with the second tone, e.g. 一半 yíbàn and 一共 yígòng; when used before a character with the first, second or third tone, it is pronounced with the fourth tone, e.g. 一天 yìtiān, 一年 yìnián, and 一点 yìdiǎn; for convenience, 一 in all the entries is marked with the first tone.}




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