

字词 蜜蜂
释义 蜜蜂mìfēng昆虫,身体表面有很密的绒毛,前翅比后翅大,雄的触角较长,母蜂和工蜂有毒刺,能蜇人。成群居住。工蜂能采花粉酿蜜,帮助某些植物传粉。蜂蜜、蜂蜡、王浆有很大的经济价值。{honey bee (Apis); bee; four-winged, hairy hymenopteran insect, with the forewings larger than the hind wings. The male has longer feelers, and both the queen and the worker have poisonous, biting stings. The bees often live in organized colonies, with the workers gathering pollen and nectar, and helping some plants to transfer the pollen from a stamen to the upper tip of the pistil of a flower. Honey, beeswax and royal jelly are all of high economic values.}




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