释义 |
管中窥豹guǎn zhōng kuī bào通过竹管子的小孔来看豹,只看到豹身上的一块斑纹(见于《世说新语·方正》)。{A New Account of Tales of the World·Righteousness: Looking at a leopard through a bamboo tube, one can only see a spot on the leopard.}〈比喻fig.〉只见到事物的一小部分。有时同‘可见一斑’连用,比喻从观察到的部分,可以推测全貌。{having a limited view of sth. When used together with 可见一斑kě jiàn yī bān, it means ‘when you see a part of sth., you can guess the whole of it.’} |