

字词 第二信号系统
释义 第二信号系统dì èr xìnhào xìtǒng语言或文字的刺激通过人的大脑皮层中相应的区域,就形成条件联系,大脑皮层的这种机能系统叫做第二信号系统。第二信号系统是人类特有的。因此,人类才能进行抽象的思维。第二信号系统以第一信号系统为基础,二者又紧密联系。例如吃过酸杏的人看见酸杏会分泌唾液,酸杏就是酸味的信号,这是第一信号。听到说‘酸杏’,也会分泌唾液,听到的‘酸杏’是信号的信号,所以叫做第二信号。{second signal system; physiological system of the cerebral cortex that forms conditional links when relevant areas of the cerebral cortex are stimulated by spoken or written language. The second signal system enables human beings to think in abstract terms. It is based on and closely related to the first signal system. For instance, those who have tasted sour apricots before will salivate at the sight of the fruit (first signal), and do the same when they hear the fruit mentioned (second signal).}




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