

字词 公报
释义 公报gōngbào
1.公开发表的关于重大会议的决议、国际谈判的进展、国际协议的成立、军事行动的进行等的正式文告{public announcement; communiqué; published formal statements on resolutions made at important meetings, progress of international negotiations, conclusion of international agreements, progress of military actions, etc.}:
新闻{press release; communiqué}|联合{joint communiqué}
2.由政府编印的刊物,专门登载法律、法令、决议、命令、条约、协定及其他官方文件。{gazette; bulletin, compiled and published by government, focusing on laws, regulations, resolutions, orders, treaties, agreements; other official documents}?T




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