

释义 hóu
1.({hóur})哺乳动物,种类很多,形状略像人,身上有毛,多为灰色或褐色,有尾巴,行动灵活,好群居,口腔有储存食物的颊囊,以果实、野菜、鸟卵和昆虫为食物。{monkey (Cercopithecidae); long-tailed primate mammal with grey or brown fur on the body, a pouch in the cheek for storing food, agile in action, often living in groups, and feeding on fruits, wild herbs, bird eggs and insects;}通称{generally called}猴子{hóu·zi}
2.〈方dial.乖巧;机灵(多指孩子){(of children) clever and naughty}:
这孩子多啊!{What a naughty child!}
3.〈方dial.像猴似的蹲着{squat on the heels like a monkey}:
在台阶上嗑瓜子ㄦ。{He squatted on the step and cracked melon seeds between his teeth.}




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