

字词 没有
释义 没有1méi·yǒu
1.表示‘领有、具有’等的否定{[negative form of ‘have’ or ‘possess’] do not have; be without}:
{no ticket available}|理由。{no excuse}
2.表示存在的否定{[negative form of ‘existence’] there is no ...}:
屋里人。{There's nobody in the room.}
3.用在‘谁、哪个’等前面,表示‘全都不’{[precede 谁 shéi or 哪个 nǎ·ge to mean ‘nobody’]}:
谁会同意这样做{No one will ever agree to do so.}|哪个说过这样的话。{Nobody has ever said anything like this.}
4.不如;不及{not be as ...}:
他高{You are not as tall as him.}|谁都他会说话。{Nobody has a better gift of the gab than he does.}
5.不够;不到{less than; no more than}:
来了三天就走了。{He left after staying barely three days.}




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