

字词 氢离子浓度指数
释义 氢离子浓度指数qīnglízǐ nóngdù zhǐshù表示溶液酸性或碱性程度的数值,即所含氢离子浓度的常用对数的负值。如某溶液所含氢离子的浓度为每升10克,它的氢离子浓度指数就是5。氢离子浓度指数一般在0至14之间,当它为7时,溶液呈中性;小于7时呈酸性,值愈小,酸性愈强;大于7时呈碱性,值愈大,碱性愈强。通称pH值。{hydrogen ion concentration index, generally expressed as pH; numerical value indicating the acidity or alkalinity of a solution, i.e., the negative value of the common logarithm of ionized hydrogen concentration, e.g. if the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution is 10g per litre, then its pH is 5. The pH is generally between 0 and 14, where a solution is neutral at 7, acids are below 7, and aqueous alkalis above 7; the smaller the reading, the more acid a solution; the larger the reading, the more alkaline a solution.}




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