

字词 打发
释义 打发dǎ·fɑ
1.派(出去){send; dispatch}:
我已经人去找他了。{I have sent for him.}
2.使离去{dismiss; send away}:
他连说带哄才把孩子走了。{He sent the children away through persuasion and coaxing.}
3.消磨(时间、日子){while away (one's time)}:
余年{while away one's remaining years}|他躺在病床上,觉得一天的时间真难{He found it difficult to while away the time just lying in sickbed.}
4.安排;照料(多见于早期白话{usu. in early vernacular}){arrange; take care of}:
众人住下。{put everybody up for the night}




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