

释义 xīn
1.刚出现的或刚经验到的(跟‘旧’或‘老’相对as opposed to ‘old’ or ‘outdated’}){new; fresh; up-to-date}:
风气{new custom; new atmosphere}|品种{new variety}|的工作岗位。{new job}
2.性质上改变得更好的;使变成新的(跟‘旧’相对{opposed to ‘old’}){new; make anew; renew; fresh}:
社会{the new society}|文艺{new art and literature}|改过自{correct one's errors and make a new start; turn over a new leaf; mend one's ways}|耳目{find everything fresh and different}|粉刷一{look brand new after being whitewashed}
3.没有用过的(跟‘旧’相对as opposed to ‘used’}){brand new; unused}:
{new pen}|锄头{new hoe}|这套衣服是全的。{This suit of clothes is brand new.}
4.指新的人或事物{new people or new things}:
{taste sth. fresh}|花样翻{change patterns or designs}|推陈出{weed through the old to bring forth the new}
5.结婚的或结婚不久的{married or just married}:
女婿{man newly married to one's daughter; daughter's bridegroom}|媳妇。{woman newly married to one's son; son's bride}
6.新近;刚{newly; freshly; recently}:
我是来的{I'm a newcomer.}|这几本书是买的。{These books are newly bought.}
7.(Xīn)姓。{a surname}




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