

字词 慕尼黑
释义 慕尼黑Mùníhēi德国南部城市。1938年英、法、德、意四国首脑在这里举行会议,签订了慕尼黑协定,英法以出卖捷克斯洛伐克向德国求得妥协。后来用‘慕尼黑’指外交上牺牲别国利益而与对方妥协的阴谋。{Munich, a city in southern Germany, where the heads of state of Britain, France, Germany and Italy met and signed the Munich Pact in 1938, under which Britain and France ceded Czechoslovakia to Nazi Germany. Since then, ‘Munich’ has been used to refer to a diplomatic scheme to compromise at the sacrifice of the interests of another country.}[德{German:
M?nchen,英 Munich]




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