

释义 垫(墊)diàn
1.用东西支、铺或衬,使加高、加厚或平正,或起隔离作用{support; prop; fill up; pad; bolster; cushion; wad; put sth. under sth. else to raise it or make it thicker or level, or to separate it from sth.}:
猪圈{bed down the pigs; spread earth and hay in a pigsty}|把桌子高些{pad the table higher}|熨衣服最好在上面一块布。{It's better to put a piece of cloth on the clothes when you iron them.}
2.填补空缺{fill a vacancy}:
正戏还没开演,先一出小戏。{(We)'ll give a short performance before the play opens.}
3.暂时替人付钱{pay for sb. and expect to be repaid later}:
我先给你上,等你取了款再还我。{I'll pay for you. You can pay me back after you've got money from the bank.}
4.({diànr})垫子{bolster; cushion; pad; hassock; upholstery}:
{cushion; back cushion; pillow}|ㄦ。{inner sole; insole}




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