

字词 场面
释义 场面chǎngmiàn
1.戏剧、电影、电视剧中由布景、音乐和登场人物组合成的景况。{scene, composed of setting, music and characters on the stage in a play, film or drama}
2.叙事性文学作品中,由人物在一定场合相互发生关系而构成的生活情景。{scene in narrative literature brought about by the interaction between characters on a certain occasion}
3.指戏曲演出时伴奏的人员和乐器,分文武两种,管乐和弦乐是文场面,锣鼓是武场面{musical accompaniment (musicians and musical instruments) for a theatrical performance, including orchestral accompaniment and percussional accompaniment;}(也说also‘文场’{wénchǎng},‘武场’{wǔchǎng})。
4.泛指一定场合下的情景{spectacle; occasion; scene}:
壮观{grand spectacle or occasion}|热烈的{manifestation of enthusiasm and excitement}
5.表面的排场{ostentation; appearance; front; facade}:
(讲排场){be ostentatious; go in for ostentation and extravagance; put on a show}|{keep up appearances}




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