

释义 1(節)jié
1.物体各段之间相连的地方{joint; node; knot; gnarl; place at which separate parts join together}:
{bamboo joint}|{joint}
2.段落{division; section; part}:
{metre; time; tempo; beat; pace}|{syllable}
3.〈量词classifier用于分段的事物或文章{section; length; stanza}:
火车{two railway coaches (or carriages, compartments)}|甘蔗{four segments of a sugar cane}|上了三{(He) has taken three classes.}|第三章第八{Section Eight, Chapter Three}
4.节日;节气{festival; red-letter day; holiday; seasonal division of the year under the traditional Chinese calendar}:
五一国际劳动{May Day}|{Spring Festival}|清明{Pure Brightness Festival}|{celebrate a festival or holiday}
{excerpt; extract}|录。{excerpt; extract}
6.节约;节制{economize; save; restrain; abstain}:
{save electricity; economize on electricity}|{save coal; economize on coal}|{birth control}|开源流。{increase earnings and cut expenses}
7.事项{item; matter}:
{detail}|{courtesy; ceremony}|生活小{trifles}
8.节操{moral integrity; high moral principle}:
{moral integrity}|{turn coat; apostasy; treachery; make a political recantation}|保持晚{keep one's integrity in one's later years}|高风亮{sterling integrity; high principles; upright and noble character}
9.(Jié)姓。{a surname}




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