

释义 场(場、塲)chǎng
1.({chǎngr})适应某种需要的比较大的地方{large place where people gather for a specific purpose}:
{meeting place; venue}|{playground}|{market place}|{theatre}|广{square}
{enter stage (used in a script, scenario, libretto, etc.)}|{exit stage}
3.指某种活动范围{scope of a certain activity}:
{officialdom}|名利{vanity fair}|作戏。{join in the fun on occasion}
4.事情发生的地点{scene of an accident}:
{spot; scene}|{on the spot}|事故发生时我正好在{I happened to be there when the accident occurred.}
5.指表演或比赛的全场{whole process of a game or performance}:
{beginning (of a game or performance)}|{ending (of a game or performance)}
6.戏剧中较小的段落, 每场表演故事的一个片段。{scene; small section in one act, portraying a small part of the story}
7.〈量词classifier用于文娱体育活动{[used as an indefinite article or together with a quantity in entertainment and sports activities]}:
球赛{three ball games}|跳一舞。{have a dance}
8.电视接收机中,电子束对一幅画面的奇数行或偶数行完成一次隔行扫描,叫做一场。奇数场和偶数场合为一帧完整画面。{round; one round during which an electronic beam finishes scanning the even-numbered or odd-numbered lines of a picture a television receives. When both the odd-numbered and even-numbered lines are scanned, a complete picture forms.}
9.物质存在的一种基本形态,具有能量、动量和质量。实物之间的相互作用依靠有关的场来实现。如电场、磁场、引力场等。{field; basic form of existence of matter characterized by energy, motion and quantity. The interaction between material objects is realized through certain fields, such as electric field, magnetic field, gravitational field, etc.}




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